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What are the benefits of Aqeeq stone?

By Omair Kushtiwala April 07, 2019 0 comments

What are the Benefits of Aqeeq Stone?

What are the benefits of Aqeeq stone?

Here in this article, we will explain step by step the following:


  • What is an Aqeeq Stone?
  • A Brief History of the Aqeeq Stone
  • What are the benefits?
  • How can you identify fake from real ones?
  • Why should YOU get an Aqeeq ring




What is an Aqeeq Stone?

As you may already have some idea. Aqeeq stone rings are one of the best seller rings worldwide due to the benefits of Aqeeq. The reason is simple special gemstone known as Agate in English and عقيق نبات in Arabic. 

Aqeeq agate jewelry


The definition of Aqeeq stone is a gemstone with lots of variations. It is a mineral from Quartz family. It is also known as Agate in English and also known as Achates, Aqiq, Akik, Aqiq or عقيق نبات in different languages. Aqeeq in all colors. However, the most popular and valuable ones are red, green and Sulemani Aqeeq colors. Red colors generally called Yemeni Aqeeq however this is not correct as Yemeni only shows the origin of Aqeeq. As previously mentioned it is very common stone and possible to find in different locations worldwide. For this very reason, Yemeni Aqeeqs are separated from Aqeeq stones due to it is high quality and value.



A Brief History of the Aqeeq Stone


The name Aqeeq stone comes from originally Sicily, Italy as a river known as Acetes River. First Aqeeq stones were found there. Today this river is known as Dirillo as well. Also, you will be interested to know that the in Arab language, this river called Wadi‑Ikrilu wihich means The River of Acrille.

Once people found and understand this gemstone value they started to use it on their jewels to carry with them and tried to found the best Aqeeq stones at different worldwide locations. Today best Aqeeq Stones found in Yemen and called Yemeni Aqeeq. Due to the benefits of Aqeeq Stone and it is limited supply some companies moved to China to found industrial production. These stones look like Aqeeq but without any real value. Unless sourced from the reliable supply using and finding stones through original means.

For thousands of years up to the present date. Aqeeq have been used as gemstones on jewelry. They were some of the oldest gemstone fashioned by people. Today most common use of stone is in rings, pendants, tasbihs and other jewelry objects.


What are the benefits?


Aqeeq stones have a very important position in Islam. It is a special gemstone for Muslims. As we know Mohammad Rasool Allah (S.A.W.) had a ring.

It is also important in other religions due to known as the oldest gemstone and has been in use from the time of Hz. Adam. It has been possible to find Aqeeq in different colors. Red, Green, White, milky white, yellow, black, and gray colors. It has more than a hundred types. But most powerful and highly sought after Aqeeq stones are the Yemeni aqeeqs, which is rare.

Yemeni Aqeeq has a liver red color and comes from Yemen, hence Yemeni Aqeeq. Which are very expensive and difficult to obtain. Unfortunately, you will see some people sell Aqeeq stone rings as Yemeni over some websites like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. they are not Yemeni so have no real value. First of all, if you are wearing Aqeeq stone rings; because of its benefits, you should have real Aqeeq stone, which is not possible to find that other sellers tell YOU.

Here are some of the key benefits of wearing a real Aqeeq Ring:


  • Wearing Aqeeq Rings helps and aids you by creating joy in your heart and is good for the eyesight and it also helps eliminate depression, sadness, and high tension as well as anger. This stone absorbs the rays of the sun and passes the absorbed stone to your body.(That is why it is very important that it is in contact with your skin.) Aqeeq stone is also good for your health, your fears and loneliness. It gives a sense of strength and courage.
  • As in Islam, believes that there are mountains of Aqeeq in Heaven. These mountains shade the palaces of Holy Prophet Bibi Fatima and Imam Ali. Forever praising & glorifying Allah (SWT).
  • If you wear Aqeeq stone as a ring or any jewelry (to carry easily, you can also carry stone only), your Rizq (sustenance, income) will be increased. You will be protected from black magic, dangers, and accidents. Aqeeq will also protect you from enemies.
  • The Holy Prophet of Islam Rasooallah has said whoever wears Aqeeq his wishes will be fulfilled. A hadith from Janabe Salman Farsi states that the last Prophet requested Imam Ali to wear a ring on the right hand so that he may be listed among the Muqarrabeen (those near to Allah). The Imam asked the Prophet as to whom the Muqarrabeen were, to which the Prophet replied Janabe Jibreel and Janabe Mikaiel. Then the Imam inquired as to which stone he should wear. The prophet replied Aqeeq Stone, as this liver red stone had accepted the Oneness of Allah. The Prophethood of the late Prophet, and the vicegerency of Ali ibne Abi Talib.
  • For Aqeeq Stone; Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb has said wear Aqeeq on your rings, you will be blessed and will be saved from afflictions.
  • About Aqiq Stone; Imam Jaffar e Sadiq has said that prayer with Aqeeq is 40 times better than one without.
  • For Aqiq; Imam Musa e Kazim said that it’s a great sawab to use tasbih of Aqeeq.
  • About Agate Stone; Imam Muhammad Taqi stated that Aqeeq takes away poverty and dissolves differences in one's heart.
  • For Yemeni Aqiq; Imam Muhammad Baqar has stated that if a person possesses a ring set in Aqeeq and turns in towards his palm and then looks at it, and recites Surah Qadr (chapter 97), then Allah keeps him protected the whole day from trouble, wherever they are descended from heaven or earth and he will be protected until the evening by Allah, and Allah’s friend who will guide him.
  • Imam Reza has said, “Whoever wears a ring with an Aqeeq on it, firstly he will not become needy and secondly what God has destined for him, will be good.”



How can you identify fake from real ones?


They are tests to identify real from fake stones:

Standard tests for all gemstones as below:

  • Hardness Test
  • Light Effect Analysis
  • Microscopic Analysis
  • Color Analysis
  • Spectral Analysis


Also the big give away is when a seller offers COD (Cash On Delivery) This means you are not getting a real Aqeeq stone because once you give your hard earn money to the courier it will be impossible to get a refund if you find it is of low quality or fake. That is why with our company all of our Aqeeq rings are carefully tested and checked before shipment and we offer a full refund. Which has never been the case with us due to the fact that we do not sell fake Aqeeq rings. We hate sellers that misguide their customers. So you will find with us that we are always upfront.



If you really want to but high quality and real Aqeeq rings please do not fall for cheap prices because realistically real Aqeeq rings will be expensive due to rarity and grade of the stone. Only buy an Aqeeq based not on price but of the fact of how it will benefit you. After all, money is not everything actual wealth is YOUR HEALTH.


To find out more click here Real Aqeeq rings



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